Games #731 & 732
TMNT: Tournament Fighters & Dragon Warrior IV
eBay & NintendoAge
Arriving in the mail today are the two newest pieces of the collection: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters and Dragon Warrior IV. The Turtles game is a victim of a release date too close to the end of the NES's shelf life. Most people who bought this game got the 16-bit versions for the Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis. Many of the games I've had to track down on the back half of my collection have a similar story - limited distribution too late in the game. I do plan to give this one some playtime as it looks to be a competent fighting game...for the NES. I picked it up on eBay for a slightly lower price than the average BIN - but I had some extra funds in the Paypal account after selling off a couple of carts on NintendoAge, so I got it for just a few bucks out of pocket.
Speaking of NA, the DW4 cart comes my way by way of Andy, who is one of the all-star members over there. I've mentioned the NA community on this blog a few times already, and I really do mean it when I say that I enjoy the company over there (even the disproportionally large percentage of Canadian members - you know who you are). Andy is a cool cat, always ready to shave various parts of his body on camera for shits and giggles (and a few bucks). I picked up the Dragon Warrior cart from him in a cash/trade deal that worked out pretty well - no eyebrow removal required. Thanks, Andy!
If my goal for 2012 is to finish off the licensed set (minus the video-jogging-and-jumping game that I already have under a different title) then I'm keeping on pace. Only 12 carts left to go. Since I doubt I'll pick up more than one game a month from here on out, I'll start to dig out some of the rest of the Nintendo collection and show off a few of the goods I've happened across on this little journey. Until next time...
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