Game #726
Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
eBay (gift)
Even though her interests lie mainly elsewhere, I've taken my wife along for the ride with my Nintendo collection. I've dragged her to numerous flea markets and Goodwills, forced her to stop on the way home so I could rummage through the same used game stores I've been in a million times before and even managed somehow to accidentally (I swear!) set her iPhone up to notify her when my watched auctions are about to end. I've taken over a room in our 2 bedroom apartment to house classic plastic and have plans to take over another when our house is finished.
Through all of this she's managed to build up a little excitement as we close in on the last dozen and a half gray carts to finish off the set. She's given me eBay gift cards and games as birthday/Christmas/Easter gifts. She's even sat down and played Kickle Cubicle with me. And now she's given me another gift - a complete, boxed copy of Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom.
This is a weird text/choose your own adventure game. The main characters are royal vegetables. The villain is a pumpkin. King Broccoli is dead and his daughter (a tomato?) has been kidnapped. The box art for this game is in the running for the best of the entire system's library. Too cool.
18 licensed games to go.
PS - I took my wife out to dinner.
Hmm...methinks the VeggieTales doth stole a few things from Nintendo...