Sunday, July 29, 2012

NintendoAge E-zine

Sure is quiet around here lately.  As we go through this little dry spell, I invite you over to - if you're one of the few who haven't arrived here to my blog from that site, then I encourage you to sign up (it's free) and join the discussion.

In addition, as a member you'll have access to the semi-regular e-zine.  The last two issues have included articles written!  Enjoy.


  1. Hey! Noticed you were in Houston as well and thought I'd say hello and invite you to check my blog out as well at as I've undergone the ridiculous task of reviewing every single NES game in order of release. Sick sick collection you have and it's awesome that you take such pride in it. Hope to hear back soon!

  2. Cool reviews! I think I saw you post a link on NA a while back. Good luck, hope you can make it to the end. Enjoy all of those Advanced D&D games, Sesame Street crap and 10,000 variations on baseball. (OK, the baseball games are all pretty decent.)

    Hit me up on NA - there's another couple of Houston guys that need to get together and make a flea market run.
